Avoid "deterministic conclusion"

Avoid "single reason" mindset like

  • Raised big fund -> Successful startup
  • Get university degree -> Have good job
  • Hire great engineer -> Have great software
  • Offer discount -> Good revenue
  • Invest in crypto -> Rich (NO!)

In system thinking perspective:

  • Raised big fund + figured out product market fit + good business model + great leadership team + good execution + catch correct technology trend = Successful startup (hopefully)
  • ...

Avoid polarization analysis

Polar 1: Blame the most macro "environment layer"

  • My startup failed because the investment environment is bad.
    • Are you sure? There are thousands of startups successfully raised fund even in bad investment environment.
    • You meant you failed because of FED?

Polar 2: Blame the most micro "person layer"

  • We failed because of that guy, that girl, that person, ...
  • We failed because the developers didn't follow the best practices

Try to have a holistic perspectives about the system

Reference to video resource

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 October 2024, 5:57 PM